Winter Sports and High Hamstring Injuries - How We Can Help

Proximal Hamstring Strains: How a Physiotherapist Can Help

Soccer and AFL players are at a high risk of sustaining injuries due to the fast-paced nature of the sport. One common injury that soccer players can experience is a proximal hamstring strain. In this blog post, we'll discuss what a proximal hamstring strain is, how it can happen in soccer, and how a physiotherapist can help soccer players prevent and recover from this injury.

What is a proximal hamstring strain?

A proximal hamstring strain is a tear or rupture of the hamstring muscles near the point where they attach to the pelvis. This type of injury can occur suddenly, such as when sprinting or making sudden movements on the field, or gradually over time due to overuse.

How can a physiotherapist help?

A physiotherapist can play a crucial role in preventing and treating proximal hamstring strains in athletes. They can assess your injury and develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs as an athlete. This plan may include a range of techniques, such as:

  1. Manual therapy: This involves hands-on techniques, such as massage, dry needling and stretching, to help improve flexibility, reduce pain, and promote healing.

  2. Exercise therapy: Your physiotherapist can design an exercise program tailored to your needs as a soccer player, which may include stretching, strengthening, and agility exercises to help prevent future injuries.

  3. Education: Your physiotherapist can provide you with valuable information on injury prevention, proper training techniques, and other strategies to help you stay healthy and injury-free on the soccer field.

  4. Rehabilitation: If you have suffered a proximal hamstring strain, your physiotherapist can guide you through a rehabilitation program that helps you recover and regain your strength, so that you can return to the field as soon as possible.

  5. Injury prevention: Your physiotherapist can also help you develop a plan to prevent future injuries by identifying any weaknesses or imbalances in your muscles, and developing a plan to address them.

How can you prevent proximal hamstring strains?

Preventing proximal hamstring strains in soccer players involves several strategies. First, make sure you warm up properly before engaging in any physical activity. This can include light jogging, stretching, and dynamic exercises that activate the muscles you'll be using on the field. Second, work on improving your flexibility and muscle strength through targeted exercises and stretches. Finally, be mindful of your training techniques and avoid overexerting yourself, especially if you're new to the sport. There are specific warm up programs designed to reduce your injury risk, such as the FIFA11+ and the KNEE program.

In conclusion, field sport athletes are at a high risk of sustaining injuries on the field, including proximal hamstring strains. However, a physiotherapist can help them prevent and recover from this injury, so that they can stay healthy and injury-free on the field. If you experience a proximal hamstring strain or any other type of injury, give us a call to discuss your injury on (02) 8411 2050. At Thornleigh Performance Physiotherapy we have an experienced team of experts who are here to help 6 days a week. We are conveniently located near Westleigh, Normanhurst, Horsnby, Waitara, Beecroft, Wahroonga, West Pennant Hills, and Cherrybrook.